Tuesday, May 12, 2009

macaroni/money now (from Kris, songwriting)

Hi everyone!
Anyone know if we can put an MP3 up here? I don't see an icon for 'add song' anywhere.
I'd like to put a song on here from our last session. It's got a very primal feel to it. I liked it because it had nothing to do with a suggestion of mine- I was helping one child and the rest of the group gathered in a circle and started pounding the drums and playing guitar and yelling -"I want macaroni- I want money now". I am thinking of using the same wild abandon of the rhythm, but suggest we change the words to something else, like "I want education! I want justice now!"

In the meantime, when I asked again last week 'What's your story?', they took it very literally and to the extreme, and told me what happens from birth until death:

I don't remember coming into the world
They cut off my umbilical cord
Tipped me upside down and tickled the bottom of my feet
Blind/new/scared/curious/nervous/want to go back in

Toddler- you walk and talk, very demanding

When I was 9 I started thinking of comebacks

Stress comes in junior high, hormones go crazy
Cramming, doing stuff the night before

Jobs? Veterinarian for nocturnal animals
Work at Macdonald's
Be a model, famous singer
Get paid to be a tooth fairy
Area captain at the Stampede

Marriage- A wedding dress that no one's ever seen
I'm going to put the puppy on my husband's face

Children, AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH! Nightmare
Forget the dog, beware the kids
Kids are miracles

Getting older
Still staying in touch with old friends
I'm a walking natural disaster

Retire, go to Australia, go to Newfoundland
Tanamahuta, the world's biggest tree

Retirement home
"Don't forget to feed the kids dinner"
"I can see the light."

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