Sunday, May 24, 2009

Icky Love (from Andrea's songwriting class)

The Tuesday songwriting class has been working on the elements of songwriting for the past few weeks. Last week, the kids felt that they were ready to write their first song. They had heard that the rock opera group was working on a monster theme. Inspired by this theme, they decided to write a song about Frankenstein, Paris Hilton and Godzilla. This was the result:

Icky Love

Hi, my name is Franky-stein
My girl Paris is swanky-fine
I went to Paris' monster mall
To find clothes 'cuz I'm big and tall

Oh, Paris Hilton I love you
Flaxen hair and eyes of blue
Oh! Oh! Oh! Coo coo ca-chew!

I saw her standing near the stairs
In the department of underwears
I ran to hug my long lost love
She shattered in my arms like a crystal dove

Oh, Paris Hilton I love you
Flaxen hair and eyes of blue
Oh! Oh! Oh! Coo coo ca-chew!

Then this vision of scaly green
The sweetest monster I ever did see
Smiled and pointed at the remains
"Humans are so very lame!" Hey!

Oh, Godzilla I love you
Waxen scales and lips of goo
Ew! Ew! Ew! Coo coo ca-chew!

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